UK broadcasters welcome introduction of Media Bill

Ofcom’s HQ (Source: Ofcom)

UK broadcasters have reacted positively to the introduction of the country’s long-awaited Media Bill in the King’s speech on Tuesday’s State Opening of Parliament.

The bill, which was published earlier this year, will see streamers and other online video services placed under media and telecom regulator Ofcom’s jurisdiction, and includes rules to ensure greater prominence for UK public service broadcasters’ offerings on major platforms. It also enables pubcaster Channel 4 to produce and own rights to its own programmes – something it has not been allowed to do in the past – with what are described as appropriate safeguards for independent producers.

Under the new rules, streamers will be placed under similar obligations and standards as TV broadcasters, with a new video-on-demand code established to ensure compliance.

While the introduction of a stricter regime for streamers has attracted criticism from streaming giants, the Media Bill has been welcomed by UK broadcasters.

Tim Davie, BBC director-general, said: “As the first piece of major new media legislation in two decades, we welcome the Media Bill’s prominence reforms and commitment to ensuring the biggest sporting events are freely available to everyone across the UK. It is now essential that it is swiftly passed into law to futureproof great British content and ensure that public service broadcasters continue to thrive in a globally competitive marketplace.”

Alex Mahon, Chief Executive of Channel 4, said: “We welcome the decision to prioritise reform of the media industry in the UK, which is long overdue. Securing prominence for public service television must be made a reality as soon as possible – every day without it damages viewers’ ability to find the content they love and impacts a sector at the heart of Britain’s prosperous creative industries.

“We also welcome legislation to regulate streamers on a level playing field with broadcast content. We call on politicians to ensure rapid passage of the Bill through Parliament, because we cannot afford as an industry and as a nation to delay the strengthening of our public service media sector any further.”

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