Akado launches Russian free-to-air services on digital platform

Russian service provider Akado has started broadcasting channels from the country’s first and second digital-terrestrial TV multiplexes free-to-view in digital.

The move means that subscribers to its Akado Antenna service equipped with TVs with a DVB-C tuner will be able to use the platform to watch must-carry channels in digital, including HD services, without the need for any additional equipment, according to Akado.

Channels now available on the platform include Channel One, Rossiya 1, TV3, Ren TV and the Fifth Channel. In total, 20 services are available from the two multiplexes. Must-carry open regional TV channels Moscow 24 and 360 are also available in digital.

Akado said that it now broadcast over 80 services free-to-view, including serv ices from Sony, TNT 4, 2×2, TNV Planeta, Your Home and the Kino TV movie channels.

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