TiVo: 99% of viewers multitask while watching TV

Some 99% of TV viewers admitted to multitasking while watching TV, according to TiVo’s third Annual TiVo Multitasking and Social Media TV Survey.

The survey, which polled 806 viewers, found that 53% multitask “every time or almost every time” they watch TV. However, it also said that viewers still focus “primarily or exclusively” on the TV screen 73% of the time.

Respondents said they primarily pay attention to TV over another device 47% of the time, with an additional 26% of time spent only watching TV and not multitasking.

“In a world where so many devices are battling to divert us, it is heartening to know that the video content on the screen is still commanding the lion’s share of peoples’ attention,” said TiVo Chief Research Officer Jonathan Steuer.

“From texts to doorbells to friends and family, distractions abound, but when it is time to watch television, respondents told us viewing was their primary focus.”

Smartphones ranked as the most-used device for multitaskers at 34% percent, followed by laptops at 14% and tablets at 13%.

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