SMPTE makes board appointments

Paul Stechly

Paul Stechly

The board of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) has named its 2015 lineup of directors and has appointed a number of new officers and governors to fill vacant positions.

Paul Stechly has been appointed SMPTE finance vice-president to complete the term of Matthew Goldman, who was elected in October to serve as the Society’s executive vice president.

William C. Miller becomes SMPTE membership vice-president, and Douglas Sheer will serve as New York Region governor. Andrew Setos will serve as Hollywood Region governor, replacing Clyde Smith, who is retiring.

Alan Lambshead, SMPTE standards vice president, has reappointed Bob Edge and Howard Lukk to serve as standards directors along with the newly appointed Paul Treleaven.

Patrick Griffis, SMPTE education vice-president, has reappointed Michael DeValue, Michael Bove, Peter Putman, and Al Kovalick as education directors. Karl Kuhn was reappointed as North American membership director. The SMPTE said additional appointments would follow.

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