SeaChange teams up with Invidi for multiscreen advertising

Technology providers SeaChange International and Invidi Technologies have developed a joint software solution that they say will enable video service providers to coordinate multiscreen television ad campaigns across traditional linear, linear addressable, video-on-demand, catch-up, network DVR, and over-the-top streams.

The pair’s Cross-Platform Campaign Management Solution enables advertising insertion into linear addressable, video-on-demand and OTT content on any consumer device based on standards including SCTE 130 and IAB VAST 3.0, according to SeaChange and Invidi.

The solution uses a single ad decision server to deliver campaigns with a common set of targeting styles and metrics, according to the pair.

“SeaChange and Invidi have established the complete solution for video service providers both large and small to pursue multi-platform advertising. Our collaboration opens the widest range of new possibilities, while solving for the demand in linear addressability and targeting for impressions and gross ratings points,” said Venkat Krishnan, vice-president, advertising products, SeaChange.

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