TF1 strikes deal with Sony Picture Television

French broadcaster TF1 has struck an output deal with Hollywood studio Sony Pictures Television. The network will air a raft of Sony-produced TV series and movies across its portfolio of channels as well as across its digital platforms.

The deal will see TF1 air a raft of series from this year’s LA Screenings including the remake of Charlie’s Angels, which will air on ABC, as well as Pan Am starring Christina Ricci and drama Unforgettable. It will also air movies including Angelina Jolie’s Salt and The Amazing Spider-Man. 
Benoît Louvet, executive vice president in charge of acquisitions and distribution of programs for the TF1 Group, said: “TF1 is pleased to be broadening its studio portfolio with Sony Pictures Television Distribution. With this agreement, the TF1 Group is confirming its standing as a leading player for US studios and its ability to offer powerful and targeted exposure for productions from major studios.”

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