Telefónica unveils new growth objectives

Telefónica has launched a three-year strategic initiative to refocus its efforts on areas with “high growth potential”, according to chairman César Alierta.

The programme, dubbed Bravo!, outlined by Alierta at the fifth Telefónica management summit, has no less an aim than to transform Telefónica into the “best global telecommunications company in the digital world”. The company, currently present in 25 countries with 265 million customers, aims to have over 320 million customers with a 30%-plus market share in the regions in which it operates by 2012. The company also aims to achieve annual growth of between 1-4% in products and services.

Although few details were released, the strategy will focus on the growth in consumer services. Telefónica cited forecasts that 50% of the world’s homes will have PCs by 2020, and that there would be between 4.8 billion and 5.3 billion mobile phone users, with overall spending on communications expected to rise by 20% over the 2010-15 period to 4.2% of total spending. 


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