EBU Technical moves forward with 3D initiatives

The EBU Technical Committee has approved the formation of a study group on 3D TV, following its meeting last week at German public broadcaster ZDF’s facilities.

The aim of the group will be to allow EBU members with an interest in 3D to exchange information and experiences. It will also seek to formulate common user requirements that are relevant to production, distribution and consumer equipment, and communicate these to technical standards bodies including the DVB, ITU and SMPTE.

The first meeting of the group is expected to take place in March.

EBU Technical is currently involved in two EU-funded 3D projects – Muscade and 3D-Vivant. Muscade is looking at the use of multi-cameral 3D and signal distribution to the home for various types of 3D display devices. 3D-Vivant will research ‘holoscopic’ camera and display systems.

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