Netherlands: state of the nation’s TV habits

Over half of Dutch homes received digital TV services at the end of last year for the first time, according to a report by research organisation SKO.

According to the SKO’s annual report, 50.8% of Dutch households took a digital service at the end of last year, up from 41.3% in 2008. Digital cable was taken by 23.2% (up from 18.5%), while digital-terrestrial service Digitenne served 9.6%, up from 7.5% and IPTV accounted for 1.8%, down from 1.9%.

Analogue cable and over-the-transmission accounted for 62% of households (down from 72.7%), while 6.8% took satellite (down from 7.8%).
Some 34.9% of households had LCD TVs, compared with 8.9% with plasma screens and 51.5% with CRT TVs (down from 64.8% the year previously). About 34.9% of Dutch households watched TV via the PC in the second half of 2009, up from 27% for the same period last year.

Subscription services were taken by 42.7%, down from 48.5%.

The SKO surveyed 6,989 households with a response rate of 61.6%.

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