UK young adults “show greater trust” in entertainment industry

UK adults aged 18-34 have greater trust in the entertainment industry than those in the US, according to research carried out by PR agency Edelman.

UK trust in the sector remains stable at 29% compared to last year, whereas the US has seen a sharp decline of 15 points to 17%. 

The differences between the two countries is highlighted by consumers’ purchasing habits, according to Edelman, with 66% of consumers in the UK saying they are spending the same or more on digital entertainment compared with last year, versus 56% in the US. The entertainment industry is the fifth most trusted (50%), following technology, healthcare, food and biotech, among UK opinion formers aged 35-64.  

In the US, trust in the entertainment industry is ranked third from the bottom (33%), sharing its position with the automotive industry and just topping insurance and media companies. 

A quarter of the 18-34 year olds questioned have downloaded files illegally, a similar figure to 2008’s research.

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